Fear Is the Greatest Laxative
- Unknown
Fear is defined as an emotional response to threats and danger. We all have fears, some more than others. I key for dealing with ones fears is outlined in the simple quote above. You must accept your fears, acknowledge they're real. Only then can truly live. So, to set a good example, I will tell you my fears.
Things Around my Neck:

The Spice Girls:
2 freaking words......."Spice World"

Rabid Man Eating Sloths:
Death is scary in and of itself. Now imagine death at the hands of the slowest creature on the planet. It would take him probably a whole year to eat you. And he'd be cute and cuddly the whole time he eat you.........that's true fear my friends.
Unconditional Love:
This my friends, in my opinion, is the greatest fear known to mankind. The thought of giving your love and affection away is mind blowing. Love is the greatest gift we as humans can give to another person or persons. When someone tells you I Love You, you truly are luckiest person in world. The feeling is incredible, words do it no justice. But, when one tries to show their love for someone else, questions will always plague them. Such as
Will they except my love?
Will they love me in return?
Will they drop the restraining order and give me back my clown mask?
Ok, the 2nd and 3rd fears are me having a little fun. But, I do have a fear of things around my neck and like most people, love scares the living daylights out of me. Maybe in the future I will shine the light on a few more of my fears. But till then, how about you.
What are some of your fears?
My fears? Premature death of a loved one, especially a child. I don't think I could bear it.
And spiders. Lots and lots of spiders. Or just one itty-bitty one, it doesn't really matter. I don't discriminate.
Caves creep me out.
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