One Wish Wednesday #2
I am gonna tell you of more practical wishes I wish would come true. We could all wish for a million dollars, world peace, or that all the Beatles were alive and well and touring. Sadly, that is not the case. We need wishes that maybe, might, or could come true. If you want to play along, cool! Here is my wish for this second installment of O.W.W.
Wish - Holiday items cannot be sold in stores until AT LEAST 2 months prior.
WTF have we become as a nation when we start selling holiday crap 3-4 months before the holiday? I've seen it online, and in stores, particularly the selling of Christmas crap before other holidays have arrived. (Halloween and Thanksgiving)
I was at a store, late August/early September, and was hoping to see some Halloween out. But what do my eyes see, a mother F$%^*ng SANTA! I went into a rampage and destroyed the Christmas section. Well.....I didn't but mentally I burned that place down.
I'm I the only one who feels like this?
Labels: OWW
Nope. It's retahded. I'm not ready to see any of the stuff yet.
And sorry... I didn't realize the other post was from yesterday. Pfft.
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