Gun Don't Kill People, Ferrets Do - Part II
"And there he was.....a ferret, in a flack
jacket, holding a flamethrower.
It was then I realized, run like f$%k!"
- Josh Leadbetter
Here's a continuation of a previous blog I wrote about the more unusual ways for one to loss the battle with the Axis of Life, enjoy. Death by....
Cranius Corndogius
Death from cranial corn dog trauma. Usually seen at state fairs
after someone insults a carnie.

The Great Chicago Letdown
A slow drawn out death from years of last minute let downs.
Only happens in baseball with one team.
Inadvertent Haseking
Death by angry hockey stick to face. Only happens near Detroit from the road rage of Dominik Hasek.
Flack Jacket Flamethrowing Ferret
Enough said
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