Saturday, July 19, 2008

Thanks Mrs.'s B.

“I've never let my school interfere
with my education.”
- Mark Twain

Total randomness again as I am in a great freaking mood. OK, think hard about this, really think hard. What stuff do you actually remember from your school days? Any stuff you "had" to know before you passed. What if anything do you still remember? Here's what I get as I put the mental rake to my over grown brain fields.

* Isosceles has something to do with with triangles or corn chips.
* Pythagorean Theorem is not a Finnish Rock Band.
* a(2) + b(2) = c(2) will NEVER be used by me in my lifetime.
* The teacher looked as though he needed more sleep, always.

* The first verse from The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe. Did everyone have to memorize this?
* Onomatopoeia is hard to spell without a spell checker.
* Shakespeare's words are beautiful but hard as f**k to understand.
* No one is hotter than the substitute English teacher.

* Playing Smoke on the Water on a tuba does not impress the ladies.
* If there was a gay teacher in school, they taught the art class.
* Art and Band were the funnest classes.

* 44 BC: Popeye said "Et Tu Bluto!"
* 1492 : America discovered while Native Americans looked on.
* 1776 : In writing, we told the British to kiss our ass.
* 1861: The South tells the North they will not pick their own cotton.
* 1865 : Mary Lincoln tells hubby a night at the theater won't kill him.
* 1912 : The RMS Titanic "attempts" to jump an iceberg.
* 1963 : Epic fail for magician JFK in his bullet catching attempt.

Physical Education
* Dodgeball is the greatest game ever.
* P.E. shorts for guys are too freaking short.
* Girls however, look freaking hot in P.E. shorts....dam!
* When the teacher can't think of anything, basketball it is.

* On the Sex ED day about VD, the cafeteria always served hot dogs.
* The sun is hot.
* Mars is nothing like Total Recall.
* When the teacher said penis or vagina, everyone giggled.

Study Hall
* Best sleep I ever had.



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