Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

"When one bases his life on principle,
99 percent of his decisions are already made."
- Unknown

I love this quote but what's on my mind at the moment is a decision about my future. One of the hardest things we as human beings have to decide is what do I want to do? I love being a secretary but I know when I find the right gal I want to be able to support her. This last month or so, I have realized that if I want to be alone and only support myself, this job will be fine. However, I do not want to be alone and know that I must do more. This little brain has been in overdrive the last few nights kicking up ideas of what I should do. Here's the 4 choices I have come up with so far.

Pro Wrestler : While my career as a pro wrestler was short, 3 matches, I always liked being in front of a crowd. The ring, the cheers, the spandex, and the chair shots. And as the weight continues to come off, I realize it would easier for on my body. Rickey Rescue is still around, and like Chuck Norris, is just waiting to strike.

Get My Paramedic License : I had an EMT-B license but it has since expired. I would go back to school and get my EMT-B, then enroll in the Paramedic course and go from there. The EMT course is about 6 months but the Paramedic one is another year and half. This one seems to be the front runner of my choices.

Be An Interpreter: This one is lowest on the list as it takes the most schooling. Most Interpreters are fluent in two languages, I would learn one, probably Russian, and work on my English skills. My other choice would be sign language. There is something very beautiful about signing.

An Ultimate Fighter : Ok, this one is far fetched, but if I do drop this weight, anything is possible.

I know in the end, what I do will also be decided by those in my life. For the first time, I'm actually looking forward to it. Love ya guys.

UPDATE: On a sadder note, a 22 year old paramedic and firefighter, Ryan Hummert, was shot and killed while responding to a call in Maple Wood. I did not know this man or the company he ran with. But as a medic, I have a lot of friends who are firefighters and I think the world of these people. They put their lives on the line, just like officers, simply by doing their job. And when one falls, I think a little piece of us dies with them. So, if you know a firefighter or even a paramedic, thank them for what they, for they put their lives on the line everyday just for us.



Blogger Janna Leadbetter said...

Such a sad tragedy, and what's even sadder is that tragedies happen all around us.

Do what will make you happiest, Josh. Best of luck. You'll be great, whatever you choose!

Jul 22, 2008, 10:57:00 AM  

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