Friday, September 05, 2008

Beautiful Random Words

I'm watching Red Dwarf and Kryten is talking about the word Ambivalence. I've known the meaning but the word just sounds so beautiful. It got me thinking about it and other pretty words.

Ambivalence - a state of having emotions of both positive and negative valence or of having thoughts or actions in contradiction with each other, when they are related to the same object, idea or person (for example, feeling both love and hatred for someone or something).

Compassion - Deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it.

Chupacabra - Purported creature resembling a gargoyle, said to exist in parts of Mexico and on Puerto Rico

Lemming - small rodents, usually found in or near the Arctic, in tundra biomes.

Xiphoid Process - The small cartilaginous extension to the lower part of the sternum which is usually ossified in the adult human.

Some words are just simply beautiful, roll of your tongue, and whether you know the definition, make you smile. I know there are more but these make me smile. How about you? :)


Thursday, September 04, 2008

I Have the Reverse Flu

My mood at the moment can only be explained with a snip it
from the classic BBC show Red Dwarf.

KRYTEN: Quite extraordinary. Lanstrom (a doctor) postulated that there are two kinds of virus. Positive and negative. The negative we already know about.

LISTER: Yeah, like the flu, rabies, that kind of stuff.

KRYTEN: But she also believed that there are positive viral strains which actually make human beings feel better.

CAT: Such as?

KRYTEN: Well, at a very basic level she predicted a kind of ‘reverse flu’ - a strain of virus which promotes an unaccountable feeling of well-being and happiness.

LISTER: That's happened to me! Me life's been turned to complete and utter crud, and I've woken up in the morning feeling good for no apparent reason!

KRYTEN: The chances are, sir, that on those occasions you had unwittingly contracted Lanstrom's virus. According to her notes, twentieth-century DJs suffered from it all the time.

LMAOL, I love that last part. I do seem to be suffering from the reverse flu. I have no reason to really explain this great mood and total happiness I am feeling. All I know is that I hope its contagious and that somehow you can get it over the net. *cough cough* I wish you guys could see my smile.

I love you guys.


Wednesday, September 03, 2008

One Wish Wednesday

Some of my buds on the net have certain blogs they do on certain days; Travis does My Town Monday on Monday and my uber cool cousin Janna does Tuesday's Stuff and Things on Tuesdays. I want to join in on the fun and do something on weekly basis with a theme. After much thinking I has decided on One Wish Wednesday. I think we deserve one wish a week, and I am gonna tell you of more practical wishes I wish would come true. We could all wish for a million dollars, world peace, or that all the Beatles were alive and well and touring. Sadly, that is not the case. We need wishes that maybe, might, or could come true. If you want to play along, cool! Here is my wish for this first installment of O.W.W.

Wish - I wish they would move the freaking staff bathroom.

Do you work at a place where the your bathroom is RIGHT next to where everyone works. Are you male and loud? Or a gassy female? If so, then you feel my pain. Our staff bathroom is about 8 feet from where everyone sits. And being a guy, using thing bathroom when I need to something other than the standard, is quite embarrassing and doesn't end well. Thankfully this has never happened to me, but rather learned of this when a doctor used it. The smell from the restroom was unimaginable. I smelt hell, fire, and brimstone; thinking that the Devil had just taken a "boom boom". (boom boom is what some nurses call a number 2 here Children's when talking with kids)

I know somewhere there is an architect laughing and screaming, "EVERYONE IS GONNA HAVE TO SMELL IT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" Well, f&*k you Mr. I Need to Put a Crapper in the Work Area. I take the elevator down 5 stories to use a bathroom with privacy and not have to worry about the staff running in fear. Is it worth it........yes it is. :)


Tuesday, September 02, 2008

I Am

I am so weary,
it makes me weep.
I think I will try,
and get some sleep.

But another day,
has come and gone.
And wasted time,
has done me wrong.

My time is precious,
as time seems to go.
For what tomorrow holds,
I simply don't know.

I'm tired of wasting,
this time so dear.
Time spent alone,
with no one near.

As I lay down,
and do whats best.
I can only hope time,
too takes a rest.

Love ya guys :)


Monday, September 01, 2008

Why Friends are Great

“Even though we've changed and we're all finding our own place in the world, we all know that when the tears fall or the smile spreads across our face, we'll come to each other because no matter where this crazy world takes us, nothing will ever change so much to the point where we're not all still friends.”
- Unknown

So I am out getting a bite to eat with my friend Lauren and we start talking about things, life, the usual food stuff. Eventually in the conversation I started talking about how things haven't quite come the way I planned. I compared my life to boat set for the new world. This boat was my hopes and dreams disstend for a land of happiness and love. Sadly, in mid journey, things started going to hell. The crew abandoned ship and the sails burn in the night sky. So I told her it took me a while to figure that all I can do is weather the storms and hope my vessel drifts to better place. And without missing a beat, she says, "if that were the case, you still have another option." Me having thought of everything said, "Whats that?".

She said, "Well, you can always row."

When you think you have no other options, your friends will always surprise you and remind you that you always have more options. I truly am greatful for the friends I have and all they have done for me. The greatest thing in in the world that they have done and will do, is keep me smiling and keep my ship aflot. I love you guys.


Sunday, August 31, 2008

Labor Day Laughs

When I think Labor Day Weekend, I think Ninjas. Enjoy :)

Ask a Ninja
